Interest Centers

DECROLY OVIDE MédicoNeurólogo, Psychologist. And pedagogue was born July 23, 1871 in RenaixBélgica worked with children desamparados.Su motto: "School for Life by life"
His teaching method is based on two principles: globalizaciónlos interés.GLOBALIZACIÓN centers: for He is the first pedagogical principle. And receive a complete whole and not in parts. And once fully perceived, his curiosity leads him to investigate and discover the parts of a whole.

Interes centers involves the study subjects according to the interests of children of every age. Attaches great importance to biological development and physical health so you need to create a suitable environment and stimulating.

Enter interest centers pedagogy based on respect for the child and his personality in order to prepare children to live in freedom. He opposed the rigid discipline, investing in creating a motivating environment with homogeneous groups based on globalization, nature observation and active school.

Decroly said interest centers had to refer to needs for food, health, shelter, protection, defense. This author considered that the basic needs of human beings were similar therefore interest centers have general validity.

The areas of interest are located in the different stages of the educational stage following a defined sequence of this ensures proper progression and learning consistency.
There are three types of exercises to develop the focus: Observation: direct contact with objects, by direct observation or indirecta.De association: in space, in time, the needs of man, in the cause- effect.

Expression: reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing, handwork. The material: material provided by the child: stones, buttons, papers, educational games ... material: sensorimotor and attention (motors, engines viso, audio engine, Initiation visual and intellectual activities (introduction to arithmetic, related to time, introduction to reading, grammar and language comprehension).

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