Educational Material


a. Help teachers enhance any area concepts in an easy and clear
b. Achieving the projection of the effects of education on subsequent applications for the child.
c. Develop observation skills and the power of appreciation of what nature gives us.
d. Wake up and maintain the interest of children
e. Enable creative capacity of children.
f. Promote the active participation of children in the construction of their own learning.


The functions of educational materials related to the teaching - learning, so we can point out the following steps:

a) Encourage learning: Educational materials fulfill this function when they wake up the interest and maintains activity, that occurs when the material is attractive, understandable and relevant to the students' previous experiences with their sociocultural context and their expectations .

b) To promote the achievement of competence: Through the proper use of materials the children, based on observation, manipulation and experimentation among other activities, exercise skills that allow them to develop skills, corresponding to areas of the curriculum.

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